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October 10, 2010

What killed Ranjan Das and Lessons for Corporate India

A month ago, many of us heard about the sad demise of Ranjan Das from Bandra, Mumbai. Ranjan, just 42 years of age, was the CEO of SAP-Indian Subcontinent, the youngest CEO of an MNC in India. He was very active in sports, was a fitness freak and a marathon runner. It was common to see him run on Bandra's Carter Road. Just after Diwali, on 21st Oct, he returned home from his gym after a workout, collapsed with a massive heart attack and died. He is survived by his wife and two very young kids.

It was certainly a wake-up call for corporate India. However, it was even more disastrous for runners amongst us. Since Ranjan was an avid marathoner ( in Feb 09, he ran Chennai Marathon at the same time some of us were running Pondicherry Marathon 180 km away ), the question came as to why an exceptionally active, athletic person succumb to heart attack at 42 years of age.

Was it the stress?

A couple of you called me asking about the reasons. While Ranjan had mentioned that he faced a lot of stress, that is a common element in most of our lives. We used to think that by being fit, one can conquer the bad effects of stress. So I doubted if the cause was stress.

The Real Reason

However, everyone missed out a small line in the reports that Ranjan used to make do with 4-5 hours of sleep. This is an earlier interview of Ranjan on NDTV in the program 'Boss' Day Out':

Here he himself admits that he would love to get more sleep ( and that he was not proud of his ability to manage without sleep, contrary to what others extolled ).

The Evidence

Last week, I was working with a well-known cardiologist on the subject of ‘Heart Disease caused by Lack of Sleep’. While I cannot share the video nor the slides because of confidentiality reasons, I have distilled the key points below in the hope it will save some of our lives.

Some Excerpts:

· Short sleep duration ( <5 or 5-6 hours ) increased risk for high BP by 350% to 500% compared to those who slept longer than 6 hours per night. Paper published in 2009. As you know, high BP kills.

· Young people ( 25-49 years of age ) are twice as likely to get high BP if they sleep less. Paper published in 2006.

· Individuals who slept less than 5 hours a night had a 3-fold increased risk of heart attacks. Paper published in 1999.

· Complete and partial lack of sleep increased the blood concentrations of High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-cRP), the strongest predictor of heart attacks. Even after getting adequate sleep later, the levels stayed high!!

· Just one night of sleep loss increases very toxic substances in body such as Interleukin- 6 (IL-6), Tumour Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-alpha) and C-reactive protein (cRP). They increase risks of many medical conditions, including cancer, arthritis and heart disease. Paper published in 2004.

· Sleeping for <=5 hours per night leads to 39% increase in heart disease. Sleeping for <=6 hours per night leads to 18% increase in heart disease. Paper published in 2006.

Ideal Sleep

For lack of space, I cannot explain here the ideal sleep architecture. But in brief, sleep is composed of two stages: REM ( Rapid Eye Movement ) and non-REM. The former helps in mental consolidation while the latter helps in physical repair and rebuilding. During the night, you alternate between REM and non-REM stages 4-5 times.

The earlier part of sleep is mostly non-REM. During that period, your pituitary gland releases growth hormones that repair your body. The latter part of sleep is more and more REM type.

For you to be mentally alert during the day, the latter part of sleep is more important. No wonder when you wake up with an alarm clock after 5-6 hours of sleep, you are mentally irritable throughout the day (lack of REM sleep). And if you have slept for less than 5 hours, your body is in a complete physical mess ( lack of non-REM sleep ), you are tired throughout the day, moving like a zombie and your immunity is way down ( I’ve been there, done that ).

Finally, as long-distance runners, you need an hour of extra sleep to repair the running related damage.

If you want to know if you are getting adequate sleep, take Epworth Sleepiness Test below.

Interpretation: Score of 0-9 is considered normal while 10 and above abnormal. Many a times, I have clocked 21 out the maximum possible 24, the only saving grace being the last situation, since I don’t like to drive ( maybe, I should ask my driver to answer that line ).

In conclusion:

Barring stress control, Ranjan Das did everything right: eating proper food, exercising ( marathoning! ), maintaining proper weight. But he missed getting proper and adequate sleep, minimum 7 hours. In my opinion, that killed him.
If you are not getting enough sleep ( 7 hours ), you are playing with fire, even if you have low stress.

I always took pride in my ability to work 50 hours at a stretch whenever the situation warranted. But I was so spooked after seeing the scientific evidence last week that since Saturday night, I ensure I do not even set the alarm clock under 7 hours. Now, that is a nice excuse to get some more sleep.

Unfortunately, Ranjan Das is not alone when it comes to missing sleep. Many of us are doing exactly the same, perhaps out of ignorance. Please forward this mail/article to as many of your colleagues/friends as possible, especially those who might be short-changing their sleep. If we can save even one young life because of this email, I would be the happiest person on earth.

August 23, 2009

Swine Flu: Everything You Need To Know

by mansiagarwal on August 10, 2009

To safeguard yourself and your family from this deadly virus you need to know all the facts. So read on.

What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of swine flu are very much similar to that of common flu which includes cold, loss of appetite, fever above 100.4°F and tiredness. Swine flu patients have also complained of sore throat, nausea and diarrhea.

So is it common flu or swine flu?
The symptoms are all the same the only difference lies in the intensity of symptoms. The symptoms of swine flu will last for two to three weeks. The fever and muscle ache comes and goes constantly. In the early phase of the swine flu one tends to feel extremely exhausted.

What is my next action after symptoms are confirmed?
If you are suffering from the above stated symptoms you must contact a reputed doctor or government hospital and get yourself lab tested for swine flu.

Am I at risk?
Swine flu is highly contagious and anyone could be at risk. National Health Service, UK has established that some people are more susceptible than the others, they include: people suffering from chronic heart, kidney or liver diseases, long term lung disease such as asthma, diabetics, people with weak immune system, people suffering from neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis, pregnant women, small children and elderly people.

How does it spread?
The swine flu virus spreads quickly through tiny droplets that are expelled from the mouth and nose when the infected person sneezes or even coughs. If you are close enough to an infected person when he sneezes you may breathe in the virus and catch the infection yourself.
Also, if an infected person coughs in his hand and then touches a surface, the virus may be transferred from the person to that surface. Anyone who touches an infected surface (tap, doorknob, railing, telephone) may catch the infection himself.

Prevention is the best cure, but can it be prevented?
Influenza antiviral drugs are given to those who have been in close contact with people infected with swine flu or show symptoms of the flu. These drugs are about seventy to ninety percent effective.

What are day today preventive measures?

* Wash you hands often
* Cover you mouth and nose with a tissue while sneezing. Dispose off these tissues carefully.
* Use a face mask while traveling in public places.
* Clean hard surfaces with disinfectants as often as possible.
* Avoid going to public places like malls or cinema houses.
* Stay at home for one day after the fever has subsided to make sure it is not swine flu, seek medical help if the symptoms persist.

Are there any dietary recommendations to fight against swine flu?
The foods that help build immunity and strength should be included in the diet. Proteins are significant as they help build strength, you must include high protein foods in your diet such as poultry, fish, milk products, nuts, legumes and lean meat. The immune system is strengthened by minerals such as zinc and selenium, they are found in meat, beans, poultry and nuts.

What are additional precautions to be adopted at schools or public places?

* Stay away from people who are sick.
* Wash your hands with soap very often.
* Avoid touching your eyes and mouth with unwashed hands.
* People who are suffering with flu like infection should stay at home and take medical help as soon as possible. Avoid traveling.

All about Allergic Dry Cough

by sonzy on March 15, 2008

An allergic dry cough can be hard to get off, its a common problem and hence I attempt to offer you some tips here. The antigens in the environment like dust-smoke particles in the atmosphere/air, pollen, smell of certain flowers, chemical or natural sprays, proteins from certain foods, some allopathic drugs can cause Dry Cough. Intestinal worms also cause it.

Symptoms of Dry Cough

* Breathing difficulties, Recurrent Cough spells
* Mucous resembling frothy soap lather, after a coughing spell
* Whizzing sound heard in the lungs
* Sneezing and Irritating Nasal Drips
* Low Fever, chest heaviness, pain in calf muscles, and Chest pain.
* Lack of Sleep and Total Fatigue.

These symptoms are caused by Vitiated Vata Dosha accompanied by a mild imbalance of Kapha. You’ll also have bad breath which indicates an excess of “Ama (the dead energy)” under the attack of microbes giving rise to foul smell.

Ayurvedic Treatment for this type of Dry Cough

* Try and observe a fast for a day or two. Boil 1/2 tsp Ginger powder and 1/4 tsp Turmeric (Haldi) and reduce it to half. Keep sipping this decoction the whole day. Alternatively, you can also take Talispatradi Choornam or Sitopladi Choornam with hot water.
* Early morning, on an empty stomach – drink the ginger decoction above along with 3-4 tsp of Cold-pressed Castor Oil. All these suggestions have to be followed under the supervision of a qualified medical/ayurvedic practitioner. The fasting would increase the agni (the good digestive fire), and boost immunity also. The castor oil balances apana vata and eliminates the bad energy (Ama).
* For those who cannot fast, they can try and take a supplement under supervision (For example – 1 tablet each of Swaskas Chintamani Ras, mahalaxmi Vilas Ras, Trikant Mani Ras etc. The tablets’ effect is further potentized by mixing them together with 1-2 tsp of Haridrakhand Avaleha. If you cannot get these in the market – the simplest could be to mix 1/2 tsp of Pure Raw Turmeric with 1 tbsp of Honey)

Some lifestyle changes -

1. Take Dinner early by 7.30 PM. Let the dinner be light. Do not stuff yourself and chew properly.
2. Vegetables should not be cooked in oil. Try using cow ghee and that too, sparingly.
3. After the attack is over, you may use sesame oil for cooking.
4. Avoid all ground nut items, Pickles, Papad, Curd, Tomatoes, fermented foods, brinjal are
to be entirely avoided. Stop all legumes. Only permitted is green gram water, tempered with cow ghee. Tempering can have fenugreek, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, asfoetida.
5. If there is disturbance in the sleep, try to compensate a little by taking nap during the day. Weakness increases by loss of sleep. The ghee/castor oil massage on soles at bedtime may help relaxing the nervous system.

Foods That Make You Feel Full Not Fat

by mansiagarwal on August 22, 2009

So many times even after having a full meal I feel hungry and can’t resist a second helping. And after I have had the second helping I feel guilty for stuffing my body with unwanted calories. I am sure every one goes through the same feeling atleast once in a while. The good news is that there are certain foods that impart a feeling of fullness without really making you fat. More than how much food you consume, what food products you consume influences the gratification level of a meal.

Below are some of the foods that are less fattening and makes you feel full, so whenever next you have a craving grab one of these and enjoy:

Fatty Fish: fatty fish are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which increases the metabolism apart from lowering cholesterol. Fish is a rich source of protein. The healthiest way to eat fish is to grill them and serve them with steamed vegetables. Fatty fish includes salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring.

Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits are good source of fiber and Vitamin C. Vitamin C aids the digestion mechanism in breaking down dietary fat faster. It also stimulated carnitine, an amino acid, which hastens the fat burning capability of the body. The water content in citrus fruits is quite high and one helping only contains about 50 to 80 kcal, leaving us repleted for a long time. Citrus fruit includes lemon, orange, papaya, grapefruit, guava and tomatoes.

Green Veggies: Green Vegetables (such as spinach, broccoli and asparagus) have high thermic effect and low calorific concentration. This implies that it is nearly impossible for these vegetables to be stored in the body as fat as maximum part of it is burned off during the process of digestion. These vegetables are also loaded with fibre which makes one feel full.

Popcorn: Popcorn when cooked without butter makes up for a rich source of fibre and they have low calorific value. Eating popcorn takes more time thus we feel more satisfied.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a composite carb which takes much more time to digest. Thus it discharges energy tardily, making you feel full for a longer duration. It also aids in maintaining the stability levels of blood glucose and insulin, which in turn prevents fat storage. Oatmeal is the best breakfast cereal, it provides more proteins than any other grain, and keeps one full for very long time.

Nuts like Almond and Walnuts: unsalted and uncooked nuts like walnuts and almonds are rich source of food fiber, protein, minerals and micronutrients. Crunching on fistful of these two nuts will keep you satisfies and full of vigor for long time.

Low Fat Milk Products: low fat cheese, yoghurt and skim milk are one of the best source of calcium. Calcium aids in breaking down the fatty cells. Some researches have also suggested that lack of calcium could activate the release of a hormone called calcitrol which causes storage of fat.

apple Apple: fiber and high water content in the ample makes a person feel full soon after eating it. The apple skin contains a natural appetite suppressant called pectin soluble fiber.

Beans: beans are an excellent source of proteins and are rich in fiber. Similar to other foods mentioned in this article, beans also take longer to digest thus making one feel satiated for longer hours.

August 11, 2009

Calcium - The Key To Quick Weight Loss

by: Priya Shah

Are you dieting your way to bone loss?

Are you aware that the diet you follow may be depleting your bones of essential nutrients and increasing your chances of developing osteoporosis? Popular diets may promise quick weight loss, but calcium and other important nutrients are often missing from the menu, which can lead to bone loss.

And women who consistently limit what they eat to avoid gaining weight may undermine the health of their bones, according to a study by ARS researchers in California. (1)

The study looked at the eating behavior of women between the ages of 18 and 50 and found that those classified as "restrained eaters" had significantly lower bone mineral density and bone mineral content (key indicators of overall bone strength and health) than women who said they weren't concerned about what they ate.

"Exercise and eating a well-balanced diet with adequate calcium, are two of the best ways to keep your bones strong and healthy." advise the researchers.

Calcium is not only good for your bones but can help you maintain a healthy, low fat diet too. There has been increasing media coverage about numerous studies showing that a diet rich in calcium helps reduce body fat.

Why is calcium important in weight loss?

Calcium is a fat burner. High-calcium diets seem to favor burning rather than storing fat. Researchers say this is because calcium stored in fat cells plays an important role in fat storage and breakdown.

Calcium changes the efficiency of weight loss . In fact, study after study has shown that the people with the highest calcium intake overall weighed the least, and the people with the lowest calcium intake had the highest percentage of body fat. (2,3,4)

When overall calorie consumption is accounted for, calcium not only helps keep weight in check, but can be associated specifically with decreases in body fat. A low daily calcium intake is associated with greater tendency to gain weight, particularly in women. (5)

Researchers found that adolescent girls who consumed more calcium weighed less and had less body fat than girls who consumed the same amount of calories from other sources. (6)

Previous studies have shown that a higher calcium intake can block body fat production in adults and preschool children (7), but this was one of the first studies to show that it might have the same effect in body-conscious preteen and teenage girls.

But aren't dairy products fattening?

Some dieters consider dairy products to be fattening, but the evidence suggests the opposite is true.

Consumption of calcium-rich dairy foods can actually help to reduce and prevent obesity. Over 20 recent studies show that milk products actually contribute to weight loss.

A new study in obese adults, presented at the First Annual Nutrition Week Conference, showed that increasing calcium intake by the equivalent of two dairy servings per day could reduce the risk of obesity by as much as 70 percent. (8)

The study provided clinching evidence that calcium in low-fat dairy products can help adjust your body's fat-burning machinery and help keep your weight under control.

In another study, obese subjects placed on a high-calcium diet, with yogurt as the calcium source, showed markedly greater fat loss than those on a low-calcium diet. (9)

Numerous studies have shown that dairy calcium is more effective in reducing body fat than other forms of calcium. (10)

Why does diary calcium work so well?

Researchers believe that other nutrients found in milk products act in synergy with calcium to reduce fat more efficiently.

Glycomacropeptides (found in whey proteins derived from milk) in particular, are known to create feelings of satiety and fullness and decrease food intake. (11,12,13)

Foods that are a good source of calcium include cheese, milk, ice cream, baked beans and other dried legumes, dried figs, broccoli, most dark-green leafy vegetables, and soft fish bones like those in canned salmon.

Disclaimer: If you are under 18, pregnant, nursing or have health problems, consult your physician before starting any weight loss plan. The information here is not provided by medical professionals and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your physician before beginning any course of treatment.


1. Dieters May Lose Bone Density. April 1999; Agricultural Research magazine
2. Regulation of adiposity by dietary calcium. Zemel MB et al. [2000. FASEB J 14:1132-1138.]
3. Regulation of adiposity and obesity risk by dietary calcium: mechanisms and implications. Zemel MB. 2002. [J Am Coll Nutr 21: 146S-151S.]
4. Effects of dietary calcium on adipocyte lipid metabolism and body weight regulation in energy-restricted aP2-agouti transgenic mice. Shi H et al. [2001. FASEB J 5:291-293.]
5. Calcium intake, body composition, and lipoprotein-lipid concentrations in adults. Jacqmain M et al. [2003. Am J Clin Nutr 77:1448-1452.]
6. Higher dairy intake is associated with lower body fat during adolescence. Novotny R et al. [2003. Poster Presentation, Experimental Biology Meeting, April, San Diego, CA.]
7. The role of dietary calcium and other nutrients in moderating body fat in preschool children. Carruth BR and Skinner JD. [2001. T Int J Obesity Relat Metab Disord 25:559-566.]
8. Calcium and Dairy Acceleration of Weight and Fat Loss during Energy Restriction in Obese Adults. Zemel MB et al. [Obes Res. 2004 Apr;12(4):582-90.]
9. Dairy (yogurt) augments fat loss and reduces central obesity during energy restriction in obese subjects. Zemel MB et al. [2003. FASEB J A1088:679.3]
10. Calcium and Weight: Clinical Studies. Heaney, R.P., Davies, K.M., Barger-Lux, M.J. [Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 21(2), 2002, pages 152S-155S.]
11. Cholecystokinin decreases food intake in rats. Gibbs J, Young RC, Smith GP.J Comp [Physiol Psychol 1973 Sep;84(3):488-95]
12. Cholecystokinin antibody injected in cerebral ventricles stimulates feeding in sheep. Della-Fera MA, Baile CA, Schneider BS, Grinker JA. [Science 1981 May 8;212(4495):687-9]
13. Peptides with CCK-like activity administration intracranially elicit satiety in sheep. Della-Fera MA, Baile CA. [Physiol Behav 1981 Jun;26(6):979-83]

5 Myths About Protecting Yourself from Skin Cancer

by: Emily Clark

Sara spends much of her summer near the beach. She lives in a
mild climate and is very athletic. She loves to swim, bike and
play games outdoors. Sara knows the dangers of the sun and so she
opts for tanning salons to get her 'golden glow' while being sure
to apply sunscreen every day before heading out.

Joseph lives in a cooler, northern climate. The summers can be
very humid, but most of the year is mild or even below freezing
during the harshest winter months. The beach has never been much
of a draw for him and he spends most of his time doing indoor
activities or at his job. Joseph doesn't worry about sunscreen
and only had one sunburn that he can remember and that was when
he was a child.


Which of these examples do you most associate yourself with? Did
you know that Sara and Joseph are both at risk of developing skin
cancer? We have all heard the warnings about the dangers of sun
exposure. We know all about the importance of wearing sunscreen
and hats. But are YOU protected from skin cancer? Consider these
myths and facts:

MYTH ONE: Tanning Beds are Safer than the Sun

20 minutes of exposure in a tanning bed is roughly equivalent to
four hours in the sun. Although sun beds use UVA rather than UVB
rays, 'The Skin Cancer Answer' states that "UV-A penetrates more
deeply into the skin than UV-B, can cause skin cancer, and may
suppress the immune system."

MYTH TWO: Wearing Sunscreen at the Beach is Protection

85 percent of UV rays can even make it through on cloudy days.
That means you are equally at risk in the car, walking the dog or
letting your children out to play at any time of year - even when
you're not at the beach. Of course, you are usually less attired
at the beach and so covering up is recommended even when wearing
sunscreen. Sunscreen also wears off with sweat and water and
should always be applied every two hours or after getting wet.

MYTH THREE: Taking Care Of Your Skin Now Will Protect You

Sadly, skin cancer can take 20 or more years to develop. The Skin
Cancer Foundation states that most people receive about 80
percent of their lifetime sun exposure before the age of 18.
Just one blistering sunburn in childhood is estimated to double
the risk of melanoma later in life. Taking better care now will
reduce the risk, but not eliminate the damage already done.

MYTH FOUR: Having a Tan Means You're More Protected

Dark skinned individuals are less likely to develop cancer, but
tanned skin is actually damaged skin. Repeated tanning injures
the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer.

MYTH FIVE: You Can't get Burned on Overcast Days

Just because the sun is hidden by some cloud does not mean that
you don't need protection from the harmful effects of the suns rays.

So how do you plan to protect your family this year? Some
suggestions are to limit exposure to the sun - especially for
infants. Examine your skin for early signs of damage. Use a
sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher and apply it at least 30 minutes
before exposure and every two hours after that. Teach your
children good safety habits and be sure you and they are covered
up when outdoors. Have fun and be safe.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

Attack of the Cancer Fighting Tomatoes

by: Michael Brooks

That’s right, the colorful little fruit (yes, it’s a fruit) has been shown to pack a powerful punch against several forms of cancer. A variety of studies indicate that a diet rich in tomato based products (tomato paste, sauce, juice, soup and ketchup) can significantly reduce the risk of prostate, lung and colon cancer. Not bad for a fruit that was considered by many to be poisonous and inedible until the 19th century.

What is the Active Ingredient?

The active ingredient that makes tomatoes such a formidable opponent against cancer cells is the carotenoid called Lycopene. Lycopene is the natural red pigment found in tomatoes and tomato based products. The redder the tomato, the more lycopene is present.

How does Lycopene Fight Cancer?

In the body, lycopene is deposited in the liver, lungs, prostate gland, colon and skin. Its concentration in body tissues tends to be higher than all other carotenoids. Some organs, such as the testes and adrenal glands, store higher levels of lycopene than do other organs or tissues. Lycopene acts as a super antioxidant by picking up free radicals in the body. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd number of electrons and can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction. Their primary danger comes from the damage they can do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA, or the cell membrane. Cells may function poorly or die if this occurs.

Is there any Research on the Cancer fighting power of Lycopene?

Although more large-scale studies are needed before any definitive conclusions can be made, current research does suggest that lycopene from various tomato products is indeed associated with the lowered risk of several types of cancers. Several published reports are listed below.

Gann et al. 1999 - Cancer Research
The study examined initial plasma caroteniods (including lycopene) of 1872 men in 1982, and then followed them for 13 years. These men were randomly assigned to a placebo group or a group to receive beta-carotene and aspirin supplementation. Of the men studied, 578 developed prostate cancer versus 1294 control subjects. Lycopene was the only antioxidant with a significantly lower average blood level in those men with cancer as compared to those without cancer. In those men not receiving the aspirin and beta carotene, plasma lycopene levels were very strongly related to a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. This study concluded that increased consumption of tomato products and other lycopene-containing foods may reduce the onset of prostate cancer.

Giovannucci 1999 - Journal of the National Cancer Institute
This journal is a review of research studies available regarding cancer risk (not just prostate cancer) and intake of tomato based foods as well as blood lycopene levels. After identifying 72 studies that fit these criteria, it was found that an inverse relationship between tomato intake or blood lycopene levels and cancer risk was reported in 57 of them. Of these 57, it was found that 35 of these inverse relationships were statistically significant. It was also found that cancer protection from lycopene was strongest for prostate, colon and stomach cancers, but also appeared to have some benefit in the treatment of other cancers.

Rao et al. 1999 - Nutrition and Cancer
This study examined plasma and prostate lycopene levels in cancer patients and a control group free of cancer. Though only 12 patients were in each group, significantly lower serum and prostate lycopene levels were found in those with cancer. Levels of other carotenoid substances did not vary between the groups.

Additional Benefits

In addition to fighting cancer, the lycopene found in tomatoes has been associated with better mental activity in old age and a reduced risk of heart disease. A University of Maryland study found that tomatoes might protect the eyes by hampering macular degeneration, a cause of vision loss in older adults.

How do I get Lycopene into my body?

The best source of lycopene intake is through eating tomato-based products. This is more effective than supplementation. You will get the most lycopene through concentrates and processed products such as tomato paste, sauce, soup and canned tomatoes. Heating helps to release lycopene and adding a little light olive oil will increase absorption. Start packing your diet with more tomato based recipes and begin enjoying the cancer fighting power of the mighty tomato.